01 02 03 The Princess and The Pickle: Monster in a mug - Mapletastic apple cake for a Halloween treat! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Monster in a mug - Mapletastic apple cake for a Halloween treat!


Here's a great treat for Halloween - a Monsteriffic mug cake!

Microwave mug cakes are so easy to make with the kids and only a small amount of each ingredient is needed so they can help to measure it out using tablespoons (even better, as my kitchen scales broke a long time ago so I usually have to guess the amounts!)

Grandma and Pops brought us some apples from their garden, which we'd already stewed to make a crumble with, so we put a few spoonfuls of that to one side.  We also used maple syrup to give it a nice flavour.

The ingredients we used were:

1 tbsp of butter
1 tbsp sugar

(cream these together first, in the mug)

1 medium egg, whisked and poured into the mug

2 tbsp stewed apple

1 tbsp maple syrup

6 tbsp self raising flour 

Couple of drops of food colouring

Give it all a good mix and pop it in the microwave for approx 2 minutes

Leave to cool and then decorate with some coloured butter icing (also flavoured with a little maple syrup) and use ready to roll icing to make legs and a tongue for your monster.  We made eyes using grapes and cherries.

We made this as a treat for Daddy when he got home from work, but of course The Pickle had to share it!

This post is an entry to the Whittard of Chelsea Cake in a Mug Blogger Carnival
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